Steering the Social Web Towards Equitable AI Futures

Artificial intelligence (AI), a formidable force of transformation, is currently redefining educational paradigms—enhancing learning processes, streamlining administrative duties, and crafting personalized educational journeys. As this technological frontier widens, global educational frameworks increasingly depend on AI to decode the complex puzzles of teaching and learning. This essay delves deep into the realm of AI in educational …

Cloud Titans : Azure and AWS

Cloud Computing with Microsoft Azure When Microsoft unveiled Azure in 2008, it signified a monumental shift in the cloud computing arena. Owned and operated by Microsoft, the platform initially emerged as Windows Azure, designed to meet the soaring demand for cloud services reshaping the tech scene. In 2014, it underwent a rebranding to Microsoft Azure, …

Mind over data

  The first chapter of Judea Pearl’s book, titled “Mind over Data,” strikes a chord with me so profoundly that I am almost tempted to etch it into my skin, though I acknowledge that might be an exaggeration. The chapter underscores the critical importance of reasoning in an era where we often place undue trust …

Learning in Machine Learning versus Adjusting in Statistical Modeling

In the dynamic field of data analysis and modeling, the concepts of learning in machine learning (ML) and adjusting in statistical modeling serve as fundamental but distinct processes. While at first glance these concepts may seem similar, they differ significantly in their approaches and objectives. This article explores the relationship between learning in ML and …

Enhancing AI Safety: Bridging the Gap between Machine Learning and Statistical Modeling

In the dynamic realm of data analysis and modeling, the concepts of learning in machine learning (ML) and adjusting in statistical modeling present pivotal roles, yet they follow distinct paths toward their goals. This article explores their unique characteristics and discusses how bridging the gap between ML and statistical modeling could enhance AI safety and …

About this initiative – Baseline

Bilan: Baseline at the Intersection of Art and Artificial Intelligence from a statistician perspective. Our Journey: Merging Passions, Multiplying Perspectives This blog began as a canvas for two of my passions: the intricate world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the expressive realm of photography. Over the last month, it has evolved into a platform not …

The Personal Voyage Through the Blogging Universe

Navigating through the complexities of artificial intelligence and statistics has been akin to charting unknown territories. This blog stands not just as a chronicle of this voyage but as a beacon, guiding others through the often-misunderstood nuances of machine learning algorithms, neural network architectures, and the beauty hidden within statistical models. Here, I distill my …

AI, Machine learning and Deep learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force across various industries, redefining our interaction with technology. At the heart of AI’s capabilities are machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), which empower computers to learn, make predictions, and tackle complex issues. If you’re already familiar with the nuances between these terms, you might choose …